Supported Living

Alpha Care and Support Services provides Supported Living. Our homes are in the London and Greater London areas.
The Homes are designed to make it possible for 18-65+ with Learning Disabilities, Autism, and physical disabilities.
With a person centred training around the service user’s needs, experience, and knowledge we have the ability to respond to the needs of our service users including those with challenging behaviour.
The registration age range is from 18- 65+. We are aware that some individual do not like sharing or they cannot live with other people due to their needs, this is why Alpha Care and Support Services, offer a unique Home opportunity. We set up services with one individual only requiring supported living. It is a bespoke service to meet the needs the individual and we can also create shared services if some people prefer to live in a shared accommodation.
“Alpha Care and Support Services aims to provide a Supportive service in a friendly environment for individuals with learning disabilities and physical disabilities.”
- 24/7 Care and Support Services for Service Users with learning disabilities and physical disabilities.
- Supporting Service Users as individuals by listening to and working with them.
- Use an Individual Support Plan (ISP) based on a Person-Centered Approach to help Service Users plan and make the most of their allocated budget
- Helping them decide who supports them to achieve their goals
- Provide a secure, friendly home environment that is focused on supporting individuals within it.
- Assist our Residents in acquiring skills that will empower, encourage them to acquire life skills and to engage in pursuing an independent life-style.
- Encourage and assist Residents to develop their level of self-esteem, confidence, to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for themselves as adult individuals.
- Make certain that Service users have access to the Professional type of specialist and Religious support when requested or required.
- Promote equality of all opportunities and promote the application of anti-discriminatory practice.
How Supported Living Services is Delivered
All Residents have an Individual Support Plan (ISP), which is overseen by a Key Worker. The key worker puts the Individual Support Plan in place for the Residents.

Tenant’s Individual Support Plan
The Tenant’s Individual Support Plan (TISP), gives a lot of thought to the areas which are described as “supported activities”. The TISP was developed in order to help Service Users to achieve their goals in areas of their independent living. At Alpha Care and Support Services, we use ACE guiding Principles in our day-to-day work with clients to build a non-judgemental and empathic relationship. This will help to develop an effective work pattern bringing harmony and compassion to Clients:
Accepting = Unconditional Positive Regard, non-judgemental or Caring
Congruent = Genuine or Realness
Empathic = Deeply Understanding the feelings or personal meanings
We use the Person Centred Planning approach TISP, for supported activities listed below as a guide for us to support our Tenants, help in setting up and maintaining home or tenancy
- Developing domestic / life skills
- Developing social skills / behaviour management
- Advice, advocacy and liaison
- Help in managing finances and benefit claims
- Emotional support, counselling and advice
- Help in gaining access to other services
- Help in establishing social contacts and activities
- Help in establishing personal safety and security
- Supervision and monitoring of health and well-being
- Supervising or monitoring medication, peer support and befriending
- Help to maintain the safety and security of the dwelling
- Support in keeping the environment clean at all times
- Risk assessment
- Help with shopping and errand running
- Access to local community organizations
- Emotional support
All referrals are obtained from Social Services, CHC, Hospitals or sometimes family members. Once a referral has been received, we will arrange a face to face or virtual assessment of needs. Following the assessment, we will be able to determine if we could meet the needs of the individual. Once we have a positive response and funding has been approved, we will source a suitable accommodation (if none are available).
We are also able to provide Outreach support in the London and Greater London.
We are there to give you the care and support you need – when you need it
Contact us for more information

Our Office Hours
Alpha Care & Support Services office hours are 8:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday to Saturday.
Out of office hours
please call Tel:020 8965 7209 (24H line)