Home Care
Domiciliary Care / Visiting Care
Alpha Care and Support Services provides Care Services to Clients who prefer to live in the comfort of their own home and need some help in order to do this.
The range of services we provide:
- Assistance with getting out of bed in the morning
- Help to wash, shampoo hair, shower or bathe and dress
- Prepare breakfast and light meals
- Shopping, paying Bills and Banking
- Escort to Hair Dresser or Barber when necessary
- Preparation of food and drink
- Ensuring a timely prompt for medication when due
- Domestic tasks such as cleaning, laundry and ironing
- Provision of a Respite Service or Sitting Service or Care Relief for the Principal Carer who may need support
- Maintaining Continence/Managing Incontinence/Catheter Care
- Pampering sessions – Nails clean and cut, food massage if required
- Prepare meal before bedtime
- At the end of each day, help Client to get ready for bed
Provision of care services through the night for those people who need them. This can either be on a ‘Sleeper Over’ basis, where the Carer expects a reasonable night’s sleep but is on hand for Emergencies, or a ‘Waking Night’ where the Carer works throughout the night.
providing a care worker to live with you in your home. Similarly, we often provide live-in care when a Client needs temporary support through a period of convalescence or recuperation when returning from the hospital.
For the sake of continuity, we do our best to provide the same Care Staff Member who is familiar with the Client’s personal needs and requirements.
A Team of qualified and experienced Health Care Workers/Care Assistants and Social Workers work as a Team to match and deliver the best possible Care based on individual Client’s Care Plans, daily needs and desires with dignity and respect..
Contact us for more information

Our Office Hours
Alpha Care & Support Services office hours are 8:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday to Saturday.
Out of office hours
please call Tel:020 8965 7209 (24H line)